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11 Jun Horta Vrasta: Boiled Leafy Greens Recipe
0 1368
Total: 35 mins  Prep: 15 mins  Cook: 20 mins  Yield: 4 servings  Boiled greens, or Horta vrasta (HOR-tah vrah-STAH), are a staple in any Greek household. They are easy to prepare and when dressed with a bit of olive oil and lemon, you will really enjoy the clean, pure taste.Like spinach, boiled greens wilt and reduce when cooked to a fraction of th..
11 Jun Fassolatha (White Bean Soup) Recipe
0 1078
Total: 2 hrs Prep:15 mins Cook:105 mins Yield:6 to 8 servingsNutritional Guidelines (per serving) 344 Calories 15g Fat 42g Carbs 14g ProteinBean soup or fassolatha (fah-soh-LAH-tha) will be on the menu at least once a week in a Greek household. It's also a staple of the Lenten season. This recipe is hearty, nutritious, and delicious.Ingredients1 po..
11 Jun Why a Greek diet is considered Best in the World
0 1007
The Mediterranean diet is based primarily on the eating habits of southern European countries, however it is mainly derived from healthy eating habits and traditions of Greek people and produce, with an emphasis on greens, olive oil, fish, poultry, beans, and grains.Not only is the Greek diet a great way to eat, drink and live, but it’s also a real..
30 Nov These 10 cooking tips have made me a dramatically better cook, and I hope they will do the same for you!
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